It has come to the credit union's attention that some of our members have been receiving text messages in regards to tolls that are owed. This is a fraudulent text, and is NOT valid. Please do not give out your account information on ANY text messages that you receive. If you have given any of your account information for your debit or credit card issued with Provident, please contact the credit union immediately to review your account. Thank you.

Change of Address

Provident Federal Credit Union makes changing and updating your address easy and convenient.

Click here to download the change of address form. Please print the form, complete it, and either mail or fax it to the address shown or deliver it to one of our branch offices.  Protecting your identity is one of our priorities. As such, we handle each change of address request in a secure manner.

  • A copy of your license or state-issued ID MUST be included or a utility bill with the new address.
  • Please make sure to sign the form where indicated. We cannot change the address on an account over which you do not have signature authority (either primary or joint). If other members of your household are moving and you do not have signature authority, please have them complete a separate form.

Please call us if you have any questions at 302-734-1133.